Computer Security

Computer security is a branch of computer technology known as information security as applied to computers and networks. The objective of computer security includes protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the information and property to remain accessible and productive to its intended users. The terms computer system security, means the collective processes and mechanisms by which sensitive and valuable information and services are protected from publication, tampering or collapse by unauthorized activities or untrustworthy individuals and unplanned events respectively.

Computer Security Programs - Bad Security Symptoms and Causes

As you probably know, the majority of computer security programs out there rely on regular virus definition updates to detect known Spyware and Malware. What if your computer is infected by a brand new, unknown Trojan or virus? Your existing computer security program will not stand a chance of stopping it as the threat is unknown to the program.

That is why we need innovative, pro-active solutions in order to counter the ever-present threat of new Malware infections. Malware meaning viruses, Trojans, Spyware or Phishing techniques. The dangers posed by Spyware, Trojans and Phishing are very real and omni-present in this global online world.

Trojans and Worms attacking consumer PC's are a real problem these days. Most of these PC's are running an antivirus program or internet security suite. So how did they get infected? Suffice to say that it is mostly the user himself who is responsible for the infection.

Some common causes
  • Downloading from P2P networks
  • Visiting and downloading from adult sites
  • Clicking on an e-mail link from somebody unknown
  • Downloading illegal software
  • Not using common sense

Some of the most common symptoms
  • Annoying pop-ups
  • Windows Regedit and Taskmanager disabled
  • Hijacked wallpaper
  • No or intermittent internet connection
  • Slow PC

There is no way in the world that any one security program is going to protect you if you engage in this kind of activity. Common sense really goes half way in protecting you from Malware on your PC. When it is freezing cold out there, you also don't go walking around in just a T-shirt and shorts and be amazed you got a cold the next day.

However, fraud on the internet has undergone a rapid evolution and is very real. Even the most careful surfer should not go online with at least an antivirus program and preferably also an anti-malware program in place. It is not because you are a safe surfer that you won't get infected. The worst and most sophisticated infections don't display any of the symptoms above. They just sit quietly in the background, leaving the user unaware that he or she is in great danger of identity theft while online.

It could be a highly advanced keylogger, recording every keystroke you make or taking pictures of your PC's screen and sending it to an attacker over the internet. Wouldn't you like to be able to scan your PC for such threats and have them removed? Even if your PC got infected, wouldn't you like a program which would prevent the keylogger from uploading your precious data to the cyber-criminal?


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